Adding Records to Project

Users can add search results directly to a project from the results page or using the ' Import' option that is present inside a Project. Within 'Import' there are two options: Copy / Paste Numbers and Upload From File. 

Copy Paste - You can use this option if you have a set of patent records numbers which you want to add to the Project. PatSeer takes the numbers supplied, matches them with the internal repository and then adds the records to the Projects, with all the patent data (family/legal status etc) linked to the record. In case any record number does not match then it is displayed under the “Unmatched Records” as a separate list. To improve the probability of the numbers matching with PatSeer internal repository, a proper number conversion rule is used for matching the supplied number internally. For this, if you want to import patent numbers that have come from some other database, then you can supply the database name and accordingly the numbers will get converted into PatSeer format.

Upload From File - The field import option allows you to import patent numbers (along with any custom data) from files. If you want to import record numbers from Excel (.xlsx) file (record numbers should be in a single column (first column only)). then you can supply these files using this option. Like the Number Import option, PatSeer will match the numbers present in the file with the internal repository and import all the data for the matching records into your Project. The Field import option also allows you import Patents and Journals/Non-patent literature into your report from multiple sources like STN, Scifinder, etc. The supported Journal formats are shown in a dropdown menu. Further the field import option allows you to add custom data (flags, rating, comments, categories) along with Patent data. These file formats may contain record numbers with or without kind code

To add records from the search results view 

  1. On Search Results screen, select the records.
  2. Select Project from the Add drop down menu.
  3. The Add To Project dialog box will be displayed.
  4. Enter the project name if already created or create a new project.
  5. Click Add to Project.


You can add up to 70000 records to a project. 

Adding Project shortcut to the Results Page

  1. On Search Results screen, select the records.
  2. Select Project from the Add drop down menu.
  3. The Add To Project dialog box will be displayed.
  4. Then switch on the Toggle button 
  5. A project shortcut will be added to the Results Page 

Applying the project metadata of a related project to the search results

Now while adding records to a project using the project shortcuts on the result page you can simultaneously apply all the metadata of the project to those records. 

To assign the metadata you can follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the dropdown present besides the project name
  2. Then click on show Project Metadata

3.    Once you click on show Project Metadata you will see all the Custom fields below each record

4.  To add records to a project Category you can click on the dropdown and from there select Add to Project Categories.

This option is advantageous as you can view the records that are present in the project already and the assigned metadata. Also, you will be able to assign metadata to the new records that you add from the result page to the project.

To import records using the 'Import' option within a Project

  1. Open the Project from the list shown under Projects tab.
  2. Click on Import. 
  3. The Add to Project dialog box will be displayed. 

There are two tabs for different types of import: Number Import and Field Import

The Field Import option also allows you to add custom field data from an excel file for existing data in a Project. This option is described in a separate article titled - Importing Custom Data Points from a file. 

To import by providing patent numbers      

  1. Create a new project or open an existing Project from the list shown under Projects tab.
  2. Click on Import option besides Settings.
  3. Click the Copy / Paste tab.
  4. Copy and paste patent numbers in box. You can add multiple numbers separated by comma or newline. The numbers may be with or without kind code.
  5. If record numbers are from some other database like Thomson, PatBase, etc. then in Convert No. from text box, mention the name of database to which the number belongs to
  6. Click on Add to Project.
  7. The records will get added to project.

The Project screen is displayed, showing the records with particular patent numbers entered.

Note: You can add up to 1000 records to a project in a single go and a maximum of 70000 records to a project.

Importing Patent or Journal data from External Files 

  1. Create a new project or open an existing Project from the list shown under Projects tab.
  2. Click on Import option besides Settings.
  3. Click on Copy From File tab.
  4. Select Record Type you want to import – 1) Patents, 2) Journals, 3) Both
  5. Select File Type. For Patents if you have an Excel (.xlsx) file with patent numbers then select Generic Excel. If you have a RIS file from Scifinder then select Scifinder RIS option and if you have transcript from STN then select the appropriate STN database type like HCAPLUS, WPIX or FullText. For STN transcripts, please note transcripts from searches does in different databases must be present in separate files. Multiple transcripts in a single file are not supported. For Journals, select the export format matching the file. 
  6. Click on Choose File and select the file
  7. If records are already present in your report then select the action to be taken (Skip/Overwrite).
  8. Click on Add Records
  9. The system will display a table of matched and unmatched numbers. If you want to import the unmatched numbers too, then check the option shown below the list of unmatched number. If there are no unmatched numbers and all the numbers have matched then you don't have to check this option.
  10. Click on Import to add the records to your report. 
  11. A notification will appear that the import has started. Another notification will appear once the import process is complete. Please wait till you receive this second notification.
  12. Reload the browser page to view the imported records. (You can press F5 key to reload the page). If your file contains a high number of records (say 500+) then the import may take more time and you may have to refresh the page after a minute or more.

The list of file formats that are supported is given in table below:

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When a file is imported into a project using the above options, there can be two scenarios:

  • Matching Records – Matching Records are the ones that are present in PatSeer database and hence match with a record in database. For this, the details are directly fetched from the PatSeer database, even if it is being imported from a file that belongs to some other database.
  • Not Matching/Unmatched Records – Not Matching Records are the ones that are not present in PatSeer database and the details of these records are fetched from the file being imported. This is especially in case of Journal records.

Removing Records from a Project

To remove records from a project

  1. On the Project screen, click on the Edit tab. 
  2. Click Remove Records option.

The records are deleted from the project.

 Prioritize Data Import From File

You can differentiate between the Title/Abstract of import file and PatSeer as different color codes have been assigned. Blue color text represents text (Title/Abstract) from file and black from PatSeer.
In case of unmatched records, it will display the text (in black color) from import file only.

You can view the Blue color text (Title/Abstract from file) in standard view and in Detail View (Biblio/ Full View) portion of record.

NOTE: The Project Edition users can first create a project and then add the records using the Import option.