Advanced Clustering - Add Custom Stopwords
Now you will be able to submit a list of stopwords which you want the system to ignore. Stopwords/ noise words are commonly occurring words in each language and are ignored by the analyzer. Please note that stopwords are used to refine the keyword set by removing commonly occurring words.
It is beneficial to apply customize stopword list. In most cases, your list of custom stopwords comes from looking at the generated set of keywords. Just like how stopwords are common words in a particular language there may be common words that occur in patents in your specific domain.
The option for same is present within Advanced Clustering -> Generate
You will see options to create new stopword list under Cluster Settings.
Viewing Generated Clusters in Form of Visualizations
Once the clusters are generated, by default you will see the Keywords, Themes represented as tree map and Topics as circles.
This can be done by clicking on View.
You can further switch between the different charting options.
Themes can be visualized as below