Chart Layers - Multidimensional analysis

PatSeer includes a unique chart layering technology that allows you to add any number of dimensions to over an existing chart. This feature gives you the flexibility and full control over the data points that are included in a chart.

How to use Chart Layers

The first step in using chart layers is to decide which types of base chart you want to start with. The different tabs generate a base chart in which the X-axis corresponds to the tab name you select. So, for example if you click on Assignee tab then you get a chart of the Top 10 Assignees in which each Assignee is on the X-axis of the chart. Once you base is decided then you can add a layer of any other dimension on it.

Let’s, explain this with an example. Say if you wanted to do generate an Assignee vs IPC Main stacked column chart. For this the first question that you need ask is what do you want to see as the X axis for your chart? if the Answer is Assignee, then:

  • Click on the Assignee tab and then select Top 10/20/50 Assignees that you want covered in the chart. 
  • Next click on Add Layer and expand the IPC Main filter tab. It will show you the top IPC Main classes. 
  • Select the first class only and then select layer type as column and then click on Add. You will see that for each Assignee a new column for that IPC has been created. 
  • Click again on Add layer and repeat the process for each IPC Main class you want to add. Remember to select only one IPC Main Class at a time else all selected items will get combined into a single layer.
  • Once you have added all the layers then right above the chart you will see a checkbox to stack the layers. Clicking on it will stack the layers.
  • Finally, if you do not want to keep the "Total" dimension in the chart, simply click on the 'Total' in the legend to hide it.
  • You can now even convert the types of chart to Bubble or Table to get the multi-dimensional data in the respective form

So, the general rule multidimensional analysis is to first decide what data do you want on the X-axis, select the particular tab and then add layers on it.

Useful Tips for Adding Chart Layers

  • You can add different fields as layers in the same chart. So in the above example you can add IPC as a layer and then add a US class as the next layer
  • You can select multiple items to combine them into a single layer. This is very useful if you are for example adding Assignees as layers. You can select multiple Assignees and combine them into a single Layer. By choosing a custom legend name in the Add Layer form, you can give a single name that represents all the Assignees selected.
  • You can even add a search term as a layer. For this within the Add Layer form, the first tab is for adding the search. the syntax is same as the command line syntax. To keep the legend name simple, choose a custom legend name that best represents the search string you supplied.
  • Each layer can also be of a different chart type. For this select the appropriate type when adding the layer.
  • PatSeer also includes a 2-level Pie chart. So, any multidimensional chart can also be converted into a 2-level Pie Chart. In the 2-level Pie chart, the second level items are split across the first level in a ratio proportionate to their counts. Switch any multi-dimensional chart to Pie to see this.
  • Sometime a layer that gets added may not be visible. This is usually the case when the values in the 'Total' are far higher than the values in the total. Click on the Total in the legend name to hide it and then you may see the added layer values.

Note: You can also refer our training video on "Generating Multi-dimensional Charts in PatSeer" within Online Training Videos

Multi-layer Chart

Add multiple layers, at one go with multiple layers charting option Under Add Layer in quick stats tab.

You can split the layers to be added to by different patent fields available in the Split by drop down. Additionally, you can restrict the layers to top 5 or 10.

You can split the chart by Current Legal Status/Register Legal Status/Legal Status Significant events.