Charts Dashboard
The final view of a chart can be saved when working with charts inside a project. This is useful in case you want to share the saved chart with someone. The shared user will be a able to view the saved chart in its final state with the description and comments that you add to the saved chart.
You can save a chart once its generated and you have given it the final touch up.
To save charts in a project

- On the Project screen, click Quick Stats tab.
- The Quick Stats screen will be displayed.
- Configure the chart to be added to a project.
- Click Add to dashboard button.
- The Add to dashboard dialog box will be displayed.
- In the New box, type the dashboard name or click select previously saved dashboard from Existing drop-down.
- Give Chart Title and in the Description box, type the description/comment you want to be shown next to the chart.
- Click OK.
The chart is saved in dashboard. You can also configure a saved chart.
To view saved charts

- On the Project screen, click Quick Stats tab.
- The Quick Stats screen will be displayed.
- Click Dashboard tab on the quick stats panel.
- Click on any saved chart name from the list.
The saved chart is displayed.
To edit a saved chart in dashboard:

- On the Project screen, click Quick Stats tab.
- The Quick Stats screen will be displayed.
- Click Dashboard tab in quick stats panel.
- Select the saved chart.
- Click Setting icon.
- The Chart setting dialog box will be displayed.
- You can change chart title, chart subtitle, X axis and Y axis title etc.
- Click Apply.
The chart will be saved with changes made to it.