Chemical Lookup
When searching for chemicals, its important to include all the name variations, synonyms, registry numbers in the search query to increase the precision of the search.
Using data provided by the US National Library of Medicine, the Chem lookup feature provides you with a set of matching compound synonyms, Industry names, molecular formula and registry numbers for an input chemical or compound name.
As a first step, the system verifies your provided input and shows you all the matching chemicals. Here you can enter a compound name, industry drug name etc. From the list of matching names, you can select the chemical of interest and then you get full details for that chemical including an image of its chemical structure. See example image below:

You can use the provided information as a reference and select those names that you want to include in your search query and then click on the "Create Search String" option on top to get the resulting search string.
NOTE: Registry numbers must be included in double quotes for proper matching. Including a Registry Number in your text search simply searches for its occurrence in the text of patents and should not be confused with searching by Registry Number or Chemical Structure search in other specialized chemistry databases such as STN.
Lookup By Chemical Registry Number
It is now easy to lookup CAS Registry number or CAS Number in Chem Lookup option within Tools tab. When you enter CAS number, the system internally looks up CAS Registry Number and returns the respective chemical substance which matches the CAS Number.

Clicking on Verify will show you the chemical name matching the entered chemical name. Clicking on the registry number redirects you to the actual chemical name.
Chemical Lookup tool is available on the search (quick search and command line search) form itself as icon above the fields.