Citation Analysis
PatSeer allows you to conduct multi generation citation analysis and the way to begin it is you first need to decide which the group of patents you want to analyze. The reason why you need to create group is you can run citation analysis on a whole group of records as opposed to just running on a single record.
Earlier user need to create group for Citation Analysis, now there is no need to create a group before generating citations, which means faster load times and cleaner interface. You can simply select the records from the results page and then generate the citation on those selected records by clicking on the “View” tab on the results page and selecting citation analysis (as in the image below).

Once you click on Citation Analysis the citation for the selected records will be generated.

You can filter the citations based on their litigations and oppositions by clicking on the “Is Litigated” or “Is Opposed” option present under the filters.

You can also add the citation form the citation chart to the project directly. You can right click on a particular node on the citation chart and click on “Add to Project” to add records to the project.

Working with citation tree
You can view the same map based on different patent fields.

Similarly, you can color the node by Names or by Count from the “Color By” option present, or even increase the font size of the fields.

Further, you can even restrict the citation tree by any fields using the filter options, present on left side. The option for accessing the filters is represented as a drawer and clicking on it will expand the filters wherein you can select the respective field.
The citation tree automatically gets refreshed once a particular filter is applied and only the matching citation sets get highlighted.

Analyzing a particular node
You have 3 options to analyze a particular node. This can be done performing right click on any of the nodes.
- View Node Details: It will open a new tab wherein you can see the Patent Number/ Title/ Pub Date/ Appl Date/ Assignee in a tabular format.
- Split by top 5: You can view top 5 Assignee/Current Assignee/Inventor/IPC/CPC/Current Legal Status/Publication Country/Priority Country/Tech Domain
- Expand to Next Level: It expands the node to its second level. Clicking on expand to next level will show the citations of the node.