Creating Search Alerts
Setting an Alert
Now you can set an alert from the Clock symbol that is present above edit search option.

The alerts can be set to monitor the New Publication, New Simple Families or New Extended Families in a particular technology. It also helps you to monitor the Litigation or Legal Status changes.

Now while creating an alert receiving an email will be a mandatory field. So, if you choose to receive an attachment about the records in the email then you can decide the format of the attachment to be Excel, Word or CSV, and also you can decide the fields to be present in the download such as the Speed List (Publication Number, Title, Assignee, Current Owner, Publication / Issue Date and Filing / Application Date), Key Details, Biblio & Drawings, Biblio & Key Content, Family Claims and you will also be able to see the complete list of all the export profiles present in your account.

The next option of adding the record directly to the project is optional. Now when you choose to add the records directly to the project then you can enter the project name and then you will find a settings icon besides the project name, through which you can also choose to Add the new records to a subproject or Flag or Rate these records or Add a Comment. After selecting the project name, you can also choose the option of not adding / replacing the records in the project if its Application number or Simple Family or Extended Family Members are present. You can also use these options while modifying your previously set alert.

Managing Alerts
- Now in Alerts Tab you can view, modify or remove your previous alerts.

2. Using the view button, you can view all the records that you have received in your alerts and you can also Export these records or directly add them to the Projects. You can also view these records on the search Result Page.

Alert emails will contain link to directly open project
The emails that your receive for the alerts, will now have a link that will either take you to the project to which you are adding the records or it will take you to the result page.

Note: PatSeer Premier: 10 Alerts & PatSeer Pro/Pro X: 20 Alerts