Exporting Records
You can export selected records from the Hit List, Quick List, and Projects Hit List in various file formats.
To export records
1. On the Search results screen, choose the Export option.

2. Click the Export icon
3. The Export Records dialog box will be displayed
4. Select from the different options:
a) Select Records to Include - All records, checked records only, Range, or record count (enter the number of records to be exported)
b) Select if Family Members need to be exported as Separate Records
• If you select No, only the record present in your result set will be exported
• If you select Yes, each family in your result set will be broken into individual publication in the export. For performance and size reasons, up to 200 members will be exported per family.
c) If you have any custom created profile, you have an option to load saved profile from Saved Profiles. Here, profile refers to saving user defined fields.
d) Select File Format - Word, Excel, PDF, CSV, XML or Patent iNSIGHT Pro
e) Within the Settings tab, you can select from respective record options
• Number in PTO Format - It will export the publication number of the record as per the format followed by its respective patent office
• Highlight Keywords - Select whether to highlight query terms
• Hyperlink Record Numbers using - Add hyperlinks to the numbers directing the user towards EPO links (Espacenet) or USPTO links for US records (USPTO online patent databases).
5. The options that you have selected can be saved as a profile, this is a time-saving feature as you can directly select the profile that you have made and export your data.

To select Fields to include in export report
Select the appropriate sections from Select Section and the required fields for export and then click > to add those to fields selected for export. To remove a field, select the field and then click <
To set the order of fields, select the respective fields and click the options to move the record to the preferred position.
• Top
• Up
• Down
• Bottom
You can also select charts to be included when exporting records. Within Excel and Word exports, users can include charts within the export that list top priority countries, assignee/inventors, Top International Class/ US Class, filing/ publication year trends. Charts are calculated over just the records included in the exports and not on the total number of results.
You can also share the result set with colleagues/ external consultants for further inputs by including additional Email Ids to send the export completion notification email. You can enter up to 200 characters in text box provided for entering "Additional Recipient Email IDs". This is applicable only for Offline Exports.
You can even assign custom name to the export file. This can be done by specifying file name under the option "Export File Name". The exported file will have specified file name, date and random number (number allotted to the file randomly).
Once you have selected appropriate options, you can click on Export Report.
Live export is supported for 200 records if only biblio data is selected and 100 records in case if biblio data claims, description and images is selected. For larger number of records the recipient receives a mail with a link to download the exported file.

Saving Export Profile
Once you have selected the fields for your export/download file, then you can also save the selected fields by making a profile of the same. So, to make a profile the following steps can be used:
Once the fields have been selected then a profile can be created using the save option and giving it a name. Please refer to the snapshot below:

After clicking on Save, a name can be given to the profile. Now, here you can either create a new profile or update an existing one. Please refer to the snapshot below:

Once a profile is saved then while exporting the records next time, you can directly click on the profile name tile, select the right format for export and then download the results.

Field Limits for exporting larger number of records
Some fields are limited to only exports within a certain number of records. So if you are exporting records higher than the limit, these fields will not be exported. The fields and their limits are:
• Full Claims - Up to 10000 records
• Independent Claims - Up to 15000 records
• Description - Up to 5000 records
• Images - Up to 1000 records
1. The user needs to add the email id accounts-noreply@patseer.com to ensure that the export mails do not go to junk folder
2. After generating an export, on the Welcome page when you click refresh, you can see the “In Progress” status for the export. Once you receive the mail, the status is updated to "Download"
3. You can download the exported file from the link received via email, else on the Home page, click Download in the Recent Exports section
Exporting Family Members of a Record
Export the family members of a particular record from the family table.
The export option is present above the family table in search results and also when viewing the family tab within the detailed view of a record.

| Premier | Pro X | Standard | Reports Only |
Export Day Limit | 20,000 | 30000 | 15,000 | 15,000 |
Export Monthly Limit | 2,00,000 | 3,00,000 | 1,50,000 | 1,50,000 |
PDF Download Day Limit | 200 | 200 | 100 | 200 |
PDF Download Monthly Limit | 500 | 500 | 250 | 500 |
PDF Download One Time Limit | 100 | 100 | 50 | 100 |