Family Legal Status Timeline

You can view Family Legal Status Timeline of a particular record. The timeline provides a graphic representation of the legal status changes to all family members during the lifetime of the record. This is based on analysis of the INPADOC family legal status information. The family records are grouped by unique applications and the legal status is analyzed for each application.

You can not only refer to the legal status of all family members but also view the legal status and corresponding events of that member in its designated states of EP/WO.

To View Legal Status Timeline

  1. On the Search Results screen, click on the Patent number (example. US8618141B2) or click window icon next to the number.
  2. A single record will be displayed in a new web page.
  3. Click the Family tab and then click Legal Status Timeline tab.

The patent family legal status timeline will be displayed. Also, if a US record has a change in ownership or there has been a reassignment then that too is indicated in the timeline.

A key enhancement to the legal status timeline is now you can select a specific family member and view its legal status. You can view the list of family members by doing a mouse over the Settings icon, further you can select only those members for which you want to see the legal status events. You can also download it as PNG or JPG