Filter by Family-level queries within your Project

In the Advanced Project search, you can restrict the records of a particular project by either including families based on certain jurisdiction or based on the expiration of any particular family member within a date range. This feature also helps you to exclude records with single filing or filings in a certain jurisdiction. This feature is based on the Simple families.

The overall process works in the following manner:

In the Advanced project search, select the "Show families" option

  • You can either select the "containing" option, here you will be able to give a country preference as to which jurisdiction you want to view.
  • Or you can choose to view any member of the family expiring within 6 months, 1 to 3 years or you can give a date range.
  • In the third option, you can select any particular country and you can also add a query with the field codes, here the records will get filtered based on the country preference given and the query entered.

For the "Exclude families" option 

  • The first option is to exclude single-member families with a country preference, here the records will get filtered excluding those patent numbers with single-member families with the country of your choice.
  • And for the second option, you can choose to exclude the records with any member of any jurisdiction.