Group Projects Under Different Catalogues

For those of you creating and using Projects in PatSeer, you would be aware that till now all projects that appeared as a flat list and there was no way to organize multiple projects into folders. “Catalogues” are basically logical folders for holding related projects. So you can now organize all your projects into different Catalogues. Just like files and directories in a computer, you can have multiple projects in one Catalogue but the same project cannot be under two catalogues.

You can also view the list of projects created by you within Created by Me section within Projects

For all existing users who already have multiple projects, to begin with all your Projects will appear under a default Catalogue called “Untitled”. This is a special Catalogue that cannot be renamed or deleted. To organize your existing Projects, you can create new Catalogues and then move your existing Projects into those Catalogues. You can create a new Catalogue by entering the name in the dropdown bar besides Catalogue as shown in the image below 

If you create a new Project it will be part of the Untitled Catalogue and you can move it to the desired catalogue from the Created by me.

For projects that have been shared with you, you will see list of projects organized in a Catalogue called Untitled in Project-> All and Project->Shared with Me pages. Further, you will be able to see Shared Projects organized by the catalogues in which they were placed by the Project owner.