Hit Analysis
When viewing search results, Hit Analysis option allows you to see the number of hits for each search term in your query across the Title, Abstract, Claims and Description of records.
Upon load, the counts shown in the table are for TACD and if you place your mouse over any of the numbers, you will see the breakup across the text sections. An option provided in the top-left cell of the table allows you to switch the counts from TACD to just TAC and back. Clicking on any record number present in column name will auto-scroll the result-set below to the particular record.
By default, hit analysis is loaded for the first 20 results present of your search results page. If your number of records per page is greater than 20, you will see a ">>" option at the top right-end of the table to load the counts for the next 20 records.

You can also export the table in CSV format an option for which has been provided in the top-left cell.