How to add records to multiple projects / folders by marking their importance?

Adding Project Shortcut 

The addition of project shortcut to the result page helps you to quickly add records to a project. 

Figure 1: Adding Project Shortcut


 Figure 2: Project Shortcut on Result Page


Figure 3: Adding to record to Project

Steps to add Project Shortcut

  • Create your search query and then click on search to view the results. 
  • On the result page select a record(s) and then under the Add tab select Project. 
  • The add to Project window will be displayed, click on the eye option that is present besides the name of project to add the project short cut on the result page (figure 1). 
  • As shown in figure 2 the project shortcut gets added on the result page 
  • The records can also be added by marking their importance to the study. This can be done using flagging, rating or comments. (figure 3)