Introduction to Projects

Projects in PatSeer are not just folders where you would put some patents and analyze or export them. PatSeer Projects is where you invite collaborators (external search firm, counsels), setup Patent Dashlets™ (business dashboards) for R&D/management, create workflows for ongoing tasks and get work done !

Projects help you create a centralized work environment for your team to manage and work on patent data projects, carry out analysis and deliver insights. The owner of the project can use Permission Groups to clearly define who is able to play what role in the project. For example as a counsel you can share a project with an R&D team member and ask him/her to simply review the records and add a rating to each record. For such an activity you can restrict what the team member can view to only those fields of records that are relevant and keep the rating field as editable so that he/she can modify it. 

Finally, to allow you to provide business specific context to the patent data, PatSeer project includes a wide range of custom field types and also hierarchical categorization.

To understand how Projects in PatSeer can be used, let's take two sample use case scenarios:

Sample Service Provider User Scenario - Competitive Monitoring for a client

  • User Creates Project and add all related records to it
  • User created custom hierarchical taxonomy(buckets) and categorizes records around it
  • User adds ratings as per project needs
  • User saves charts and other analysis within project
  • User creates a dashboard (Patent Dashlet™) summarizing the output
  • User shares project with client
  • User keep project and dashboard updated over the year with the client being able to see new records added and new analysis done
  • Docs/Images and other attachments also saved within the project

Sample Corporate User Scenario – FTO analysis for invention in Germany

  • User Creates Project and add all related records to it
  • User shares project with external search agency to review and add missing records to the project
  • Once all relevant records added user removes access from search agency
  • User adds custom fields such as R&D Rating/Comments, Counsel Rating/Comments
  • User shares project with R&D team member - Only key biblio fields, Images and R&D rating/comments shared
  • User shares project with Counsel - both R&D fields and counsel fields shared
  • R&D member can't see counsel fields; Counsel can't see other project fields the user may have created.
  • User compiles the results and creates a management dashboard with analysis of rating/comments.