January 2024 Release Note
AI Search Enhancements
Claims Summarizer
- Users will AI module can save time in Claims review with a Claims summarizer that provides a concise and easily comprehensible overview of the claims.

Patent Similarity Search
- When searching by patent, you can now refine your AI search to specifically focus on claims related to the given number when generating similarity, invalidity, and infringement searches.
- The infringement and invalidity search modules allow you to set your own custom priority or application cutoff dates.
- Our search relevance has also improved by 10-15% based on optimization done to the internal AI engine.
AI Classifier Enhancements
A completely new interface for filtering and analysis of predicted categories makes working with the Classifier’s predictions much easier for users. Users can filter by predicted categories or their scores to view corresponding records. In moderation mode, categorizations can be reviewed and accepted on the results page.

Multi-user Flag and Rating in Projects/Subprojects
Multiple team members can now save their own ratings or flags in the same project. This helps you design new collaboration workflows over your PatSeer Projects. For ratings, you can also see the average rating based on all the ratings given by different users and for Flags you will be able to see the highest (most critical) flag assigned to the record (The colour order is RGB with Red as most critical and Blue as least.)

Litigation Analytics in Company Dashboard
Company dashboards now add a series of charts that cover the litigation trends, their geographic distribution and the plaintiffs, defendants and asserted patents over the past cases in which the company or its subsidiary was involved.

Smart Drawings Coverage expansion
You will now be able to see mouse over legends over drawings from CN, JP, KR, DE, and FR authorities too in addition to the existing US, EP and WO coverage.

Full text PDF downloads enhancement
Export option in the Full View Tab in the Split View or Detailed View will now allow you to download the Full Text of the patent document. Additionally, each page of the PDF document will include a link, facilitating easy access to view the record in a manner similar to the detailed view.

Increase in the Number of Proximity Operators used per query
PatSeer will now allow you to use 50 Proximity operators at the same time in a single query.