Kind Codes: Countries E - H


EAA1From 01-01-1998 onwardsPublication of application with search report
EAA2From 01-01-1998 onwardsPublication of application without search report
EAA3From 01-01-1998 onwardsPublication of search report
EAA8From 01-01-2012 onwardsModified first page
EAA9From 01-01-2012 onwardsModified complete specification
EAB1From 01-01-1998 onwardsPatent
EAB2From 01-01-1998 onwardsAmended specification of an Eurasian patent
EAB3From 01-01-2012 onwardsNew specification after limitation procedure
EAB8From 01-01-2012 onwardsModified first page granted patent
EAB9From 01-01-2012 onwardsCorrected complete granted patent
ECAFrom 01-01-1920 onwardsPatent application
ECSFrom 01-01-1993 onwardsIndustrial design application
ECUFrom 01-01-1920 onwardsUtility model application
ECK1From 01-01-1920 onwardsNon-official translation of EC - A  document, not issued by patent office
ECK4From 01-01-1920 onwardsNon-official translation of EC - U  document, not issued by patent office
ECK6From 01-01-1993 onwardsNon-official translation of EC - S  document, not issued by patent office
EEA Published patent application
EEA1 Amended patent application
EEB1 Granted patent
EEB2 Amended granted patent (first)
EEB3 Amended granted patent (second)
EEUUntil 15-10-1996Registered utility model
EEU1From 16-10-1996 onwardsRegistered utility model
EEU2From 16-10-1996 onwardsRegistered utility model, description modified (first)
EEU3From 16-10-1996 onwardsRegistered utility model, description modified (second)
EGA Patent for invention / Patent of addition
EMS Design
EPA1 Application published with search report
EPA2 Application published without search report
EPA3 Search report
EPA4 Supplementary search report
EPA8 Modified first page
EPA9 Modified complete specification
EPB1 Patent specification
EPB2 New patent specification
EPB3 After limitation procedure
EPB8 Modified first page granted patent
EPB9 Corrected complete granted patent
ES From 1826 
ESH1Finished in 1878Privilege of invention
ESH3Finished in 1878Privilege of importation
ES From 1878 
ESA1Finished in1996Patent of invention
ESX1Finished in 1996Same as an A1 document but for duplicated dossiers
ESA2Finished in 1989Certificate of addition
ESX2Finished in 1989Same as A2 document but for duplicated dossiers
ESA3Finished in 1989Patent of importation
ESX3Finished in 1989Same as A3 document but for duplicated dossiers
ES From 1929 
ESU Utility model application
ESU4 Same as an U document but for duplicated dossiers
ESY Utility model
ESY4 Same as an Y document but for duplicated dossiers
ES From # 1000000 
ESU Utility model application
ESU8 Modified first page utility model
ESU9 Corrected complete specification utlity model
ESY Utility model
ES From # 2000000 
ESA1Started in 1987Pat. application published with search report
ESA2 Pat. application published without search report
ESA4Finished in 1991Translation of the claims with drawings of European applications
ESA6Finished with # 2126538Patent of invention (without search report)
ESA6Starting with # 2126539Patent of addition
ESA8 Modified first page patent application
ESA9 Corrected complete patent application
ESR Separately published search report
ESB1 Patent published with search report
ESB2 Patent published after examination
ESB3Finished in 1992Translation of granted European patent 
ESB8 Modified first page granted patent
ESB9 Corrected complete granted patent
EST1Started in 1992Transl. of the claims with drawings of European applications (former A4)
EST2 Revised translation of the claims and drawings in European applications
EST3 Translation of granted European patent (former B3)
EST4 Revised translation of granted European patent
EST5Started in 1996Translation of modified European patent 
EST6Started in 1998Translation of a PCT International application
EST8Started in 2011Modified first page of translated European patent application
EST9 Corrected complete translated European patent application
ESD0 Patent application filed
ESK1 Non-official translation of ES-A document, not issued by patent office
ESK2 Non-official translation of ES-B document, not issued by patent office
ESK4 Non-official translation of ES-U document, not issued by patent office
ESK5 Non-official translation of ES-Y document, not issued by patent office
ESK6 Non-official translation of ES-S document, not issued by patent office
FI Before 1842Historical granted patent
FIA7From 1 to 19871Granted patent
FIA1From 19872 to 37835Granted patent
FIAFrom 01-07-1968  onwards  Patent application made available to the public
FIA0From 01-01-1978 until 01-11-2011Patent application filed
FIBFrom 40001 to 99285Examined application
FIBFrom 100000 onwardsGranted patent
FIB1From 100000 onwardsCorrected granted patent with 9 months opposition period
FIB2From 100000 onwardsAmended granted patent after opposition procedure
FIB3From 01-01-2012 onwardsGranted patent after limitation
FICFrom 40001 to 99285Granted patent
FIC1From 40001 to 99285Corrected granted patent 
FIC2From 40001 to 99285Amended granted patent 
FII1From 28-06-1994 onwardsSupplementary protection certificate application
FII2From 28-06-1994 onwardsGranted supplementary protection certificate 
FILFrom 01-01-1920 onwardsAbstract published
FISFrom 12-03-1971 onwardsIndustrial design application
FIS1From 12-03-1971 onwardsIndustrial design 
FIT1From 29-01-1999 onwardsEuropean patent translation, provisional protection 
FIT2From 29-01-1999 onwardsEuropean patent translation 
FIT3From 29-01-1999 onwards 
FIT4From 29-01-1999 onwards 
FIT5From 29-01-1999 onwards 
FIT6From 29-01-1999 onwards 
FIT7From 29-01-1999 onwards 
FIU0From 01-01-1992 until 01-11-2011Utility model application filed
FIU1From 01-01-1992 onwardsUtility model granted
FIK1From 01-01-1842 onwardsNon-official translation of FI-A document, not issued by patent office
FIK2From 10-09-1968 onwardsNon-official translation of FI-B document, not issued by patent office
FIK3From 40001 to 99285Non-official translation of FI-C document, not issued by patent office
FIK4From 01-01-1992 onwardsNon-official translation of FI-U document, not issued by patent office
FIK6From 12-03-1971 onwardsNon-official translation of FI-S document, not issued by patent office
FRAUnder # 2000000Patent of invention
FR From # 2000000 
FRA1 Application for patent of invention, (first publication.)
FRA2 Appl. for cert. of addition to a patent, (first publication.)
FRA3 Application for certificate of utility model,( first publication.)
FRA4 Appl. for a cert.of add. to a cert. of utility, (first publication) 
FRA5 Patent of invention, (first and only publication)
FRA6 Cert. of addition to a patent of inv., (first and only publication.)
FRA7 Certificate of utility (first and only publication)
FRA8 Cert. of addition to a cert. of util. (first and only publication.)
FRB1 Patent of invention (second publication)
FRB2 Cert. of addition to a  pat. of inv. (second publication)
FRB3 Certificate of utility (second publication.)
FRB4 Certificate of add. to a cert. of utility (second publication)
FR Under # 100000 
FRE Certificate of addition to a patent of invention
FR Under # 10000 
FRM Special patent for medicament
FR Under # 1000 
FRF Certtificate of addition to a special patent for medicament
FRI1 Supplemental protection certificate application
FRI2 Granted supplemantal protection certificate
FRS1From 1910 onwardsGranted industrial design
FRTFrom 01-01-1980 onwardsTranslation of European Patent Application
GBD0 Patent application filed
GBS Design
GB Under # 2000000 
GBA Patent specification
GBB Amended patent specification
GB From # 2000000 
GBA publicationished patent application
GBA8 Corrected first page published application
GBA9 Corrected complete published application
GBB Patent specification
GBB8 Corrected first page patent specification
GBC Amended or corrected patent specification
GBC2 Complete re-issue of a re-issued granted "C" specification 
GBC3 Complete re-issue of a re-issued granted "C2" specification 
GC Cooperation Council for the
Arab states of the Gulf
GCA Granted patent
GCK1 Non-official translation of GC-A- document, not issued by patent office
GE From 01-05-1992 onwards 
GEA Published appl. for inv. (first publication)
GEA Patent for invention (first and only publication)
GEB Patent for invention ( second publication)
GEA Imported patent application (first publication)
GEB Imported patent (second publication)
GEU Publ. appl. for utility model ( first publication)
GEU Patent for utility model (first and only publication)
GEY Patent for utility model ( second publication)
GES publicationappl. for industrial design ( first publication) 
GES1 Patent for industrial design ( second publication)
GES Patent for industrial des. ( first and only publication)
GE From 01-01-1999 until 01-01-2000 
GEA1 Published application (first publication)
GRA1 Patent of invention
GRA7 Patent of addition
GR New law 
GRA Patent application
GRB Patent
GRB1 Patent not preceeded by an A
GRB2 Patent preceeded by an A
GRU Utility model application
GRY Utility model patent
GRT1 Transl. of EP claims
GRT3 Transl. of EP patent
GRT6 Transl of patent application
GRT7 Transl of patent 
GTAFrom 01-01-1948 onwardsPatent application / divisional patent application
GTUFrom 01-01-1960 onwardsUtility model application / divisional utility model application
GTS Industrial design application / divisional industrial design application
HKA UK patents registered
HK New  Law 
HKA1 Granted standard patent
HKA2 Granted short term patent
HNAFrom 30-09-1909 onwardsPatent application
HNU Utility model application
HNS1 Industrial design application
HNK1 Non-official translation of HN - A document, not issued by patent office
HNK4 Non-official translation of HN - U document, not issued by patent office
HNK6 Non-official translation of HN - S document, not issued by patent office
HRA2From 28-01-1992 onwards   (filing date)Publication of application without search report
HRA8From 30-06-2000 onwardsCorrected front page of HR - A document
HRA9From 28-02-2005 onwardsComplete reprint of a HR-A document 
HRB1From 28-01-1992  onwards  (filing date)Granted patent
HRB1From 28-01-1992  onwards  (filing date)Consensual patent
HRB2From 28-01-1992  onwards  (filing date)Granted patent maintained (or modified) after nullity procedure
HRB3From 28-01-1992 onwards   (filing date)Short term Consensual patent
HRB4From 28-02-2005 onwardsCorrected front page of a Consensual patent
HRB5From 28-02-2005 onwardsComplete reprint of a Consensual patent 
HRB6From 28-02-2005 onwardsAmended consensual patent
HRB8From 28-02-2005 onwardsCorrected front page of a HR-B document
HRB9From 28-02-2005 onwardsComplete re-print of a HR-B document 
HRC1From 28-01-1992 onwards   (filing date)Converted Consensual patent
HRC6From 28-02-2005 onwardsAmended converted consensual patent
HRC8From 28-02-2005 onwardsCorrected front page of Concensual patent
HRC9From 28-02-2005 onwardsComplete re-print of Consensual patent
HRK1From 28-01-1992 onwards   (filing date)Non-official translation of HR - A document, not issued by patent office
HRK2From 01-01-2000 onwardsNon-official translation of HR - B document, not issued by patent office
HRK3From 28-01-1992  onwards  (filing date)Non-official translation of HR - C document, not issued by patent office
HRK6From 01-01-2000 onwards   (filing date)Non-official translation of HR - S document, not issued by patent office
HRS1From 01-01-2000 onwards   (filing date)Industrial design 
HRT1From 28-02-2005 onwardsTranslation of the claims of an EP patent into Croatian
HRT2From 28-02-2005 onwardsCorrected translation of the claims of an EP patent into Croatian
HRT3From 28-02-2005 onwardsTranslation of an EP patent into Croatian
HRT4From 28-02-2005 onwardsTranslation of the claims of an amended EP patent into Croatian after opposition (EPO)
HRT5From 28-02-2005 onwardsCorrected translation of an EP patent into Croatian
HRT8From 28-02-2005 onwardsCorrected front page of a HR-T document
HUAFrom 01-01-1896 until 31-12-1968Patent application
HUBFrom 01-01-1896 until 31-12-2001Patent specification
HUSFrom 01-01-1896 onwardsIndustrial design application
HUS1From 01-01-1896 onwardsRegistered industrial design 
HU From 01-01-1948 until 31-12-1957Specification of inventor's certificate
HU From 01-01-1948 until 31-12-1957Patent specification to patent of addition
HU From 01-01-1948 until 31-12-1957Specification of inventor's certificate of addition
HUAFrom 01-01-1969 until 31-12-1995Laid open patent application with complete examination
HUAFrom 01-01-1969 until 31-12-1995 ( filing date )Laid open patent application with deferred examination
HUAFrom 01-01-1983 until 31-12-1995 ( filing date )Patent application
HUAFrom 01-01-1972 until 31-12-2002Plant patent ( first and only level)
HUD0From 01-01-1969 onwardsPatent application filed
HUD0From 01-01-1972 until 31-12-2002Plant patent application filed 
HUV0From 01-01-1992 onwards Utility model application filed
HUUFrom 01-01-1992 onwards Registered utility model
HUA9From 01-07-1994 until 01-07-1995 (filing date)Transitional (pipeline) patent application
HU From 01-01-1996 onwards 
HUA1 Patent application with search report
HUA2 Patent application without search report
HUA3 Separately published search report
HUB8 Corrected front page of a HU-B document
HUB9 Complete reprint of a HU-B document 
HUB1From 01-01-2002 onwardsPatent specification
HUB2From 01-01-2002 onwardsLimited patent specification
HULFrom 01-01-1972 until 31-12-2002Published plant abstract
HULFrom 28-12-1981 onwardsAbstract of patent specification
HU From 01-01-2003 onwards 
HUP Plant patent application
HUP1 Plant patent 
HUT1 Translation of claims of European patent application
HUT2 Translation of complete European patent application
HUT3 Correction of T1
HUT4 Correction of T2
HUT5 Translation of amended European patent
HUT6 European patent considered void in Hungary
HUT7 Limited European patent 
HUT8 Corrected front page of European patent
HUT9 Correction in description, claims, search report or figures of European patent
HUI1From 01-05-2004 onwardsSupplemental protection certificate application
HUI2From 01-05-2004 onwardsGranted supplemental protection certificate
HUK1 Non-official translation of HU - A document, not issued by patent office
HUK2 Non-official translation of HU - B document, not issued by patent office
HUK4 Non-official translation of HU - U document, not issued by patent office
HUK6 Non-official translation of HU - S document, not issued by patent office
HUK8 Non-official translation of HU - P document, not issued by patent office