Keyword-in-Context (KWIC) view allows you to see small snippets of text from the full text of the record containing your search terms. It helps you get an idea of the relevance of the record to your query without having to go through the full text.

Key points governing the view are:

  1. The matched text corres
    ponds to the search query. For instance if your query is optic w5 imag*  then the matched text will correspond to only those occurrences of optic which fall within 5 words of imag*. Any occurence of either optic or imag* which do not fall within 5 words of each other will not be matched.
  2. Snippets of text may get merged to a large para in case they matched text portions are close to each other.
  3. The snippets are always shown across the full-text (T, A, C, D) of the record even if your query is only in a specific section of text.
  4. The KWIC can be easily downloaded in a CSV using the download option

For each text section a hit count of the number of times each of the matched search term occurs is also shown.

KWIC view can be seen both in the search results view (a link for KWIC is present for each record) and in the detailed view.

The KWIC view appears as an overlay window on top of the search results. You can keep clicking on KWIC link for each record you want to review and the KWIC view for it will load in the overlaying window. The window can be resized and placed in a corner of the screen based on your preference. The resize toggle is present in the bottom right of the window.

If you want to compare KWIC for multiple records, there is an icon to open the KWIC view in a new tab on the top left corner of the KWIC view window. Each KWIC view gets opened in a new tab using this option and so you can open the views for multiple records and compare using this method.

KWIC View for Family Members of records

Now in addition to viewing KWIC for individual records, you can also see small snippets of text from the full text of other matching family members (Simple and INPADOC) of the record. This helps you easily navigate to the highlighted term from KWIC to the section where it appears in full view.
Clicking on KWIC will show snippets for the original record. You will also see two separate tabs for viewing Simple and Extended family members.

Clicking on Simple Family will show you simple family members of the record. Once you click on any particular family member, you will see snippets of text from the full text of that family member.

Similarly, you will be able to see snippets of text from the full text of extended family member. Please Note that only those Extended family members that aren’t already in the Simple family will be shown here.

In the same manner, you can see KWIC for both simple and extended family members from KWIC tab present in detail view of the record.

Note: The KWIC View within projects works only when you search in text section of records using Search within Records option.

Support for all languages in KWIC VIEW  

View and analyze all languages (other than English) terms within Keyword in Context - KWIC view.

Once you click on KWIC view button you will able to check the searched text with respect to the parts of the text in which they appear.