Legal Status Searching

If you are looking to search Legal Status codes and descriptions then LSE - Legal Status Events is field to use. LSE allows you to search by PRS code and also restrict it by country. The following examples explain how to search within the LSE field:

LSE:DEmatches all legal events in DE. EP and PCT records that face a legal event in their national phase DE records are also matched.
LSE:(DE 2004)matches all legal events in DE in the year 2004
LSE:(DE wd5 R123)matches DE and PRS Code R123
LSE:((DE 2004)wd5 R123)matches records that have PRS code R123 in DE in year 2004
LSE:((DE wd1 [20040101 TO 20101231]) wd5 R123)matches records that have PRS code Rs123 in DE between 2004 to 2010

matches all records that have “Revoked” mentioned anywhere in their legal status

IMPORTANT: PRS Code descriptions are not always present in legal status definitions. So it is always advisable to search by PRS Code.

LSE:(DE wd10 Revoked)matches all records that have Revoked mentioned in their legal events for DE
LSE:((DE 2004)wd10 Revoked)Same as above but only for events in year 2004

NOTE: In Field Search form, next to the LSE field you will also see an LSE Query Builder icon, which makes it easy for you to construct advanced LSE queries. It is recommended that you use the LSE Query builder as much as possible.

In addition to LSE, PatSeer also includes two calculated fields- LSC and LSSE

LSC or Current Legal Status is the current status of the record as calculated by PatSeer when going through its details. Every time new legal status data is received the LSC gets updated for all applicable records. For each record LSC can only one of the following values:


Valid Values

Description of Value

Current Legal Status - LSC

Inactive – Withdrawn / Surrendered If a record has been voluntarily given up
Active – Granted / AppliedA granted patent or a pending application
Inactive - NonpaymentIf a record has expired due to non-payment of maintenance fee
Inactive -  Opposition / Revoked If a record has been revoked or has become inactive due to opposition
Inactive - Rejected / Refused / SuspendedIf an application has been rejected prior to grant.
SPC Active - Granted / Applied If an SPC is Active or has been applied for the record
SPC Inactive - Expired / RejectedIf the SPC has expired of the SPC application was rejected
Inactive – Ceased / Lapsed / ExpiredIf a granted patent has expired at end of its duration

LSSE or Legal Status Other Significant Events captures other events in the life of the record that do not necessarily affect the status of the record but may be important to a searcher. This field is also updated regularly for all records where legal status updates are received. For each record this field can have one or more of the following values:


Valid Values

Description of Value

Legal Status Other Significant Events - LSSE

OppositionIf the record has faced an opposition.
Scope LimitedIf a record has been limited in scope for example if claims have been removed or revoked.
Inactive in Designated StateNot Active in one or more Designated States - If a EP,PCT record has faced cancellation/expiry/ withdrawal/abandonment in one or more designated states.
AssignmentIf the record has been reassigned to another entity. 
CollateralIf the record has been given as security to a bank.

In field search if you press a spacebar in the LSC or LSSE fields, then you will see a drop down with a list of the valid values for you to select from.