Logging into PatSeer

Once you have purchased the edition, you are provided with a Login ID and a password. The Login ID is your email address.

First time login

  1. Open the browser and type https://acc.patseer.com/
  2. PatSeer Login page will be displayed.
  3. Type the Login ID (email ID).
  4. Type the password (received through email).
  5. Click Login.
  6. Change Password screen will be displayed.
  7. In the Enter old password box, type the old password.
  8. In the Enter new password box, type the new password (should be a combination of letters and numbers ranging between  6 to 20 characters).
  9. In Enter confirm password box, type the new password again.
  10. Click Change.

The password is changed and the login screen is displayed again. 

You will receive an email confirming the change of password.

Login in to the account

  1. Type the Login ID.
  2. Type the password.
  3. Click Login.

Now you are ready to use the PatSeer platform for patent search and analysis.

Other Login Options 
We've introduced Single Sign-On (SSO) login along with the option to login using your Gmail and Microsoft IDs. This feature allows users to access our platform using their existing credentials from these services, providing seamless and convenient access. With this new integration, users can save time by avoiding the need to create and remember additional login details, streamlining the login process and enhancing user experience.