Logging into PatSeer Design Edition
Logging into PatSeer Design
Once you have purchased the edition, you are provided with a Login ID and a password. The Login ID is your email address.
First time login
- Open the browser and type https://acc.patseer.com/
- PatSeer Login page will be displayed.
- Type the Login ID (email ID).
- Type the password (received through email).
- Click Login.
- Change Password screen will be displayed.
- In the Enter old password box, type the old password.
- In the Enter new password box, type the new password (should be a combination of letters and numbers ranging between 6 to 20 characters).
- In Enter confirm password box, type the new password again.
- Click Change.
The password is changed, and the login screen is displayed again.
You will receive an email confirming the change of password.
Login into the account
- Type the Login ID.
- Type the password.
- Click Login.
Now you are ready to use the PatSeer platform for Design Patent search and analysis.