Mapping the Innovation Potential
The chart shows the top companies (sorted by Portfolio Value Index) against their Originality and Generality.
Originality is a measure of how much original thinking has gone into the invention while Generality measures the capability of the invention to be applied across different technology domains.

From the above chart it can be observed that Univ Oklahoma State have a good originality and generality score, which indicates that the patents belonging to this university are highly innovative and have a high economic potential.
Whereas the patents of Polytechnic Univ of Valencia have a good originality score but a not so good generality score, which means that the patents have a high innovative value but a limited economic potential.
Steps to generate the Visualization
- Enter your search criteria and click on Search to view the Search Results
- Click on Quick Stats tab to view different charting options
- From the ‘Parties tab’ select the option of R&D Calibre