March 2023 Release Note
Create and setup a global AI Classifier
Now you can create and train an AI Classifier over a single taxonomy in one project and use the same to predict categories in any other project.

The enhanced AI Classifier now also supports predicting categories for any Journal/NPL documents that you have imported within your project. Further, once the AI classifier has run on your project,you will receive an email with details such as total predicted values and a Category vs. Prediction Score table that summarizes the prediction cut-off threshold at which the records have been placed into the Category.
Enable and view project data against search results
You can now view and set project metadata such as flags, ratings, comments, categories and custom fields against records appearing in your search results.

The project shortcuts feature has been enhanced to allow you to enable a project’s metadata on the search results page. Once enabled, you will be able to see the metadata values against each type of metadata for any record that is present in the project. You can further, add or modify the metadata right from the search result page itself.

UI and search enhancements
- The tabular view layout has been enhanced to provide each access to the abstract, PDF and drawings.

- The Full view tab within the Split View now includes drawings for a particular record under the full view tab.

- The left truncation limit per search query has been increased from 4 to 8. So, you can now use 8 left truncation (*) in your search query when searching in Command line Search or Quick search forms.
- The similarity search field codes - SIM / SIMOF now support upto 50 records in a single query