Multi-user Flag and Rating in Projects/Subprojects
Multiple team members can now save their own ratings or flags in the same project. This helps you design new collaboration workflows over your PatSeer Projects. For ratings, you can also see the average rating based on all the ratings given by different users and for Flags you will be able to see the highest (most critical) flag assigned to the record (The colour order is RGB with Red as most critical and Blue as least.
To use the Multi User Flags and Ratings follow the steps below:
The multi user flags and ratings have to be switched on from the Settings option of the Projects as shown below;
After selecting YES from the dropdown a box will appear where you will have to select the project to which you want to apply the multiuser flag and ratings.
By typing agree you will confirm the activation of Multiuser Rating and Flag in your project.
The multiuser rating will show you an average / aggregate of all the ratings given by various users with whom you have shared a project.
Once you and your colleagues have rated a particular record, by clicking on the aggregate / average you will see the ratings given by you and your colleagues respectively.
Multiuser Flag will have a user flag (the upper flag). The user flag meaning the person who has opened the project in his/her account and is assigning a flag to the record.
The flag below is a summary / aggregate flag and clicking on this flag will show the per user flags.
The summary / aggregate flag will take the color of highest weightage flag from amongst the flags given by various shared users.
The weightage of the flags go as
Red > Orange > Yellow > Green > Blue
The Ratings and Flag charts in the quick stats will be loading based on the Average Rating and Aggregate flags.
Once the multiuser flag and ratings are switched on for a project then you cannot go back to your previous settings
The shared rights required for Multiuser ratings and flag:
View Project & View Comments - Shared User cannot add flag/rating of self and cannot see average rating and aggregate flag
Read Only - same as above
Full rights - User can edit and also see average/aggregate
Edit Additional Fields only - User can add his own flag/rating but cannot see average/aggregate
View Project & Edit Comments - User can add his own flag/rating but cannot see average/aggregate
Edit Project & View Comments - User cannot add flag/rating of self but can see average rating and aggregate flag
Edit Project & Edit Comments - User can edit and also see average/aggregate
View Project & Not See Comments - Same as read only
Edit Project & Not See Comments - User can edit and also see average/aggregate
Rights to the Non PatSeer shared users:
Edit Project Edit Comments (Full rights): The shared user will be able to see the Average rating/Aggregate flag, and they will also be able to add Self rating/Self flag accordingly.
Edit Project View Comments: The shared user will only be able to see the Average rating/Aggregate flag, but they will not be able to add Self rating/Self flag. Note : The shared user will have access only to the Average rating/Aggregate flag filter.