Normalize Project Metadata to its Family Members

If you are working within a project and would like to copy metadata (Flag, Rating, Comments, Custom Fields, Categories, etc.) across all Family Members then you can update the information to all family members. This can be done by selecting Normalize Metadata option within Edit tab present on results page.

When you select respective option, a dialogue window will open up confirming the same. Clicking on Yes will apply all the assigned metadata to the family member (if SFAM or EFAM option is selected) or the granted number (if APN option is selected)

When you select required Normalize Metadata option, the system will check for family members of that record or its respective granted records in background. You will see all the custom fields and other meta-data assigned to the record have been retained to the respective family members or corresponding granted record. When you refresh your project, you will see all metadata information is reflected against the numbers.

You can also download the list of updated application numbers within Project Files section.