Number Search Form
You can search by using patent numbers or by uploading the numbers from files. The file format allowed is xlsx/ xml while uploading the records. The file size should not be more than 50 MB.
Using Number Wizard (Optional)
If you are importing numbers from another database, then you can optionally enter the source database name in the Number Wizard option present. This will help the internal engine match the numbers that you have supplied with the numbers in PatSeer database. For example you can enter Delphion if your numbers came from the Delphion database. All major databases are supported and you need to simply enter the database name.
To search with entering patent numbers
- On the Home page, select Number Search from Search drop down menu
- The Number Search screen will be displayed
- Enter the database name if you are importing numbers from another database
- In the Copy and Paste Numbers box enter the patent number(s) and click Lookup
Note: You can search for matched records (numbers you have entered), Simple or Extended Family Members, Backward or Forward Citations, All Citations or even Similar patents to the matched records (new AI Semantic logic is used).
Note: While searching the similar patents in the number search, there is a limit of 50 numbers at a time.
The Search results screen is displayed.
To import numbers from a file
- On the Home page, select Number Search from the Search dropdown menu
- The Number Search screen will be displayed
- Click Upload from File tab to upload a file and click Choose File
- Browse the file and Click Open
- Enter the database name if you are importing numbers from another database
- Click Lookup
The Search results screen is displayed.
You can import latest STN XML format export files in PatSeer making it easy to analyze STN records. This can be done from ‘Upload from File’ option present within Number Search. You can specify STN in the Convert No: form option to make sure all the numbers match while being imported.
- For .xlsx format the record numbers should be in a single column.
- Up to 5000 numbers will be picked up from the file at one time.
- In case of similar patents, only 1st 10 entered numbers will be picked.