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Legal Status Current LSC or Current Legal Status is the current status of the patent record as calculated by PatSeer when going through its details. Every time new legal status data is received the LSC gets updated for all applicable patent records.
Legal Status Text It gives all the information of Legal status of a patent document in a text format.
Legal Status (Dead/Alive)
The legal status refers to an Alive or Dead category. This state is defined by the date of expiration.
US Reassignment HistoryIt captures all the Assignee data present in the assignment history of the US patent record. It includes all the recent details regarding the transfer of ownership of a US patent document by the original owner to another entity or party along with the dates of transfer.
Current Maintenance Status (US)
It shows the current status of a US patent document whether it is actively maintained or expired.
US Maintenance History It includes all the details regarding the maintenance fees paid by the patentee or by any person or organization on behalf of a patentee to keep a US patent document in force, etc.
Register Links This link directs you to the patent record’s official website to see all its Registration details. 
PDF Link The PDF Link provides a direct link to download the PDF of any patent document. 
Is LitigatedIt will give you the information that a particular patent is involved in any litigation process. 
Is OpposedIt gives the information if any patent is being opposed or not. 
Litigation DetailsIt includes all the Litigation details of any patent document. 
SEP Standard Details It gives you the details of the Standard to which a patent is being assigned (ETSI, IEEE, etc.)
SEP Technologies It refers to all the technologies which are protected under the Patent regime. 
Is SEPIt shows that if the patent is Standard Essential Patent or not.