
AssigneeOrganization(s) and individual(s) that have an ownership interest in the legal rights a patent offers.
Assignee Original Assignee is the name that is present in the original document (PDF).
Assignee Address The address of the assignee mentioned in the patent document.
Assignee City The city of the Assignee/Applicant of a patent.
Assignee StateThe state of the Assignee/Applicant.
Assignee Country The country in which the assignee of a patent is citizen of.
Current Assignee Current assignee is the latest assignee present in US Reassignment data.
Inventor Individual(s) who have contributed to the claimed invention.
Inventor Address The address of the inventor mentioned in the patent document.
Inventor Country The country in which the inventor of a patent is citizen of.
First Named Inventor The inventor whose name is mentioned first in the patent document.
Applicant Organization(s) and individual(s) that have an ownership interest in the legal rights a patent offers.
Current OwnerCurrent Owner is an ultimate parent with regards to corporate hierarchy. For example, Google will be current assignee but Alphabet INC. will be Current Owner.
No. of Assignee The number of Assignee to whom the patent belongs.
No. of Inventors The number of inventors involved in the making of the invention.
Assignee Type It shows whether the Assignee is a Firm, University, Government, Institute, Individual or Hospital etc.