Assignee | Organization(s) and individual(s) that have an ownership interest in the legal rights a patent offers. |
Assignee Original | Assignee is the name that is present in the original document (PDF). |
Assignee Address | The address of the assignee mentioned in the patent document. |
Assignee City | The city of the Assignee/Applicant of a patent. |
Assignee State | The state of the Assignee/Applicant. |
Assignee Country | The country in which the assignee of a patent is citizen of. |
Current Assignee | Current assignee is the latest assignee present in US Reassignment data. |
Inventor | Individual(s) who have contributed to the claimed invention. |
Inventor Address | The address of the inventor mentioned in the patent document. |
Inventor Country | The country in which the inventor of a patent is citizen of. |
First Named Inventor | The inventor whose name is mentioned first in the patent document. |
Applicant | Organization(s) and individual(s) that have an ownership interest in the legal rights a patent offers. |
Current Owner | Current Owner is an ultimate parent with regards to corporate hierarchy. For example, Google will be current assignee but Alphabet INC. will be Current Owner. |
No. of Assignee | The number of Assignee to whom the patent belongs. |
No. of Inventors | The number of inventors involved in the making of the invention. |
Assignee Type | It shows whether the Assignee is a Firm, University, Government, Institute, Individual or Hospital etc. |