PatAssist AI Credit System
1. AI Credits:
- PatAssist uses an AI credit-based system, where AI credits are required to access various features and services.
2. Monthly AI Credit Allocation:
- Each user receives 500 AI credits per month, which reset at the start of each month.
- The 500 AI credit limit applies across all projects and usage within the month.
3. Subscription:
- Premier+ and ProX are the two subscription plans that provide access to PatAssist
4. AI Credit Usage Breakdown:
- 1 AI credit is consumed for each single record PatAssist (Search + Project sides).
- 200 AI credits are used when enabling PatAssist for a project.
- 2 AI credits are consumed for each question asked within a project.
- As enabling of PatAssist on a single project uses 200 AI credits, so according to this calculation PatAssist can be enabled on 2 projects out of the total 500 credits given to a particular user.
- 200 AI credits will be used if PatAssist is enabled on a project containing 500 records (small project)
- 500 AI credits will be used if PatAssist is enabled on a project containing more than 500 records (Large project)
- If a PatAssist has been already enabled on a small project (with 500 records) and additional records are added to the same project, then you will have to disable the PatAssist first and then enable it again for the same project. In such a case, 50 AI credits will be revived and you will require additional AI credits to enable the PatAssist again.
5. Project Scope & Data Processing:
- Project PatAssist supports maximum of 500 records
- You can enable PatAssist in projects with greater than 500 records too but PatAssist will only process and give answers from the first 500 records in each project, based on their added date (regardless of the project size).
- When PatAssist is enabled for projects with less than 500 records, it will automatically add new records to its memory as you add further records to the project
6. Focused Datasets:
- To maximize AI credit efficiency, users should prepare a focused dataset for each project. This ensures that the system processes only the most relevant records, optimizing its usage.
- If an enabled PatAssist remains idle or unused for 4 months or more then it will disable automatically and no credits will be revived
- The revived credits will expire at the end of current month and wont stay when the monthly AI credits are renewed