Patent Family Level Quality Indicators

Each patent family (Simple family) in PatSeer is benchmarked against 30+ parameters and four separate quality indicators are derived – Citation Quality, Market Quality, Legal Quality and Document Quality. Each of these quality scores give an independent qualitative viewpoint to the patent family. The final 360° Quality for the patent family is calculated as a weighted average of these four scores. Each Quality Score has a value between 0 and 100. All individual scores undergo age and class normalization. This way older patents (that usually have higher citations) are benchmarked against patents that belong in the same technology and time bucket.

CITATION QUALITY (CQ) – for a Patent Family

CQ Score indicates the impact of the patent in its technology space. The probability of a record with a higher citation score being used in the company’s offensive strategy or for monetization is higher. For each patent family, its individual values are ranked statistically against the reference technology domain it falls into and the final Quality Score is the Weighted Average of the ranking of the family across the parameters.

MARKET QUALITY (MQ) – for a Patent Family

The MQ score is based on the global market coverage where the patent family is active and so is indicative of the overall market value of the patent. A higher MQ indicates that the invention is well covered and protected across different geographies and so is deemed to be more valuable. 

LEGAL QUALITY (LQ) – for a Patent Family

The LQ score indicates the aggressiveness and investments of the company to protect the invention and is also a measure of its perceived threat to the competition.


DQ Score is the intrinsic quality indicator of the patent and is based on its technical and structural content. A likelihood of a patent with a higher DQ indicates the innovation quotient and the capabilities of the company to innovate.

360° QUALITY (360Q) – for a Patent Family

The 360° Quality score is calculated as a weighted average of all the 4 contributing scores i.e., Citation score (CQ), Market Quality (MQ), Legal score (LQ) and Document score (DQ).

The weights applied are in the order: CQ > MQ > LQ > DQ. So, citation quality gets a higher weightage followed by market quality and so on.