PatSeer Glossary Questions
Q. What is the difference between Managing Searches and Managing Projects?
A. Managing searches refers to managing all the search that you are conducting outside a project. When you perform a search the search string is by default saved in Current search where it remains for 30 days after which it gets deleted. You can also manually remove it however. You can save a single search or a set of searches done (say on a particular technology) under a separate Saved Search group. A name of the Saved Search can be given for easy lookup later. Searches that you save under Saved Search are remain forever under your account. Managing projects refers to keeping a track of the projects that you have created or that have been shared or assigned to you.
Q. What is the difference between single record view and list of records view?
A. Single record view provides full details of a single record along with Citation tree, claims tree, family tree. Whereas list of records view (Results View) provide limited information for a list of records.
Q. What is the difference between Quick Stats and Quick List?
A. Quick stats is a graphical representation of the list of records in search or in a project. Whereas Quick list is a list of records which can be further used for later review.
Q. Why do I see a record number at the end of some Title or Abstracts?
A. When title or abstract for the original record is not available then the software picks them up from a representative record from the same family. In such case the representative record reference is added at the end of the title/abstract within square brackets.
Q. What is the difference between Dashlet and Quicklist?
A. Dashlet is project specific and Quicklist is outside project. Quicklist can be used to keep-aside/mark/remember records which a user comes across when searching. The user can later review the records and accordingly move them a project or discard a record. Dashlet allow you to create multiple dashboards that include just the fields you want to display for all or a portion of records in the Project. User can select the fields including the custom fields or apply the Dashlet on select group. This creates a separate tab next to Quick stats displaying the selected fields.
Q. What is the difference between Add Group and Add Records?
A. Add group is adding record to a group whereas Add records is adding record to the project using Number import. You can also add additional fields data like comments, ratings, custom fields, Categories etc for multiple records at once using the sample downloaded excel format.
Q. What is the difference between removing records from the project and removing records from group.
A. Remove records from a project will delete the record from project and remove record from a group will only remove the entry of the record from the group and not the project.
Q. What is the difference between Categories and Groups?
A. Groups and categories have different purpose. A group is simply like a sub-folder within a project that holds a bunch of records. Category can be hierarchical and can perform more types of analysis using them.
Q. What is the difference between Categories and Custom Fields?
A. A Custom field is a meta-field that is created for each record. The data can vary from being pure text to a list-limited set of values. Categories does have similar properties as a list-limited custom field, however categories can be hierarchical and further they usually have more analytical use than custom fields.