Plural Matching

Simpler forms of plurals are automatically applied to the search terms. This is applicable only for the text search fields such as T,A,C,D and not any other field. This would make words like 'vehicles' also match if only 'vehicle' is used in the search query. It applies to words which have an s-only and ies-only (for words ending in a 'y') plural form. The following are examples of plurals that will and will not match:


  • paper -> paper or papers
  • grid -> grid or grids
  • automobiles -> automobile or automobiles
  • strategy -> strategy or strategies
  • baby -> baby or babies
  • galley -> galley or galleys (As 'y' is not preceded by consonant it matches the s-type plural form)


  • process -> process ( processes is an es-form of plural and so dosent get matched with process. wildcard should be used for this if both words are needed)
  • gas -> gas ( same as above 'gases' will not get matched)
  • potato -> potato (same as above 'potatoes' wont get matched)
  • child -> child ( special types wont be matched and so 'children' wont be matched)
  • fungus -> fungus ( latin type plurals will not get matched and so 'fungi' wont be matched)
  • phenomenon -> phenomenon ('phenomena' wont be matched)
  • life -> life ('lives' wont be matched)
  • knife -> knife ('knives' wont be matched)