Project Rules
Project rules helps you to assign all the metadata to the records at the time of addition to a project. So, for example, if you want to assign a particular category to all the records that you are adding to a project, then you can create a rule, by creating a query similar to your search query, and once you push the records to a project the category will get assigned to all those records.
Project rules are present as a tab among all the other tabs in Settings on the Project management page and inside the project.
Project rules can be set as follows:
- In project rules, you can create a query
- Now from the dropdowns present below you can select options such As Add Rating, Add Flag, Add Comment, Add Custom Field, Add to Category, Notify All Users, Notify Specific Users and Add to Subproject.
Refer to the image below:

3. Now after adding the query and selecting the right option from the dropdown, click on the update button.
Once the project rule is created, then if your projects/subprojects contain the records related to the query in the project rule then the metadata assigned will get reflected.
Note: You can create a maximum of 15 rules at a time.