Project Sharing

 Sharing a Project

You can share a project using individual Email ID. Once you share a project, the recipient(s) are automatically notified by the system via an email which includes link to access Project data along with auto-generated account details.
While sharing a project, you have full control in deciding what information can the recipient see and how he or she can interact with the data. This is done by use of Permission Groups which are applied at the time of sharing itself. You can give various rights to the recipients when you share the project.
You can also edit the permission group that has been applied even after the project has been shared. 

To share a new project from the Results view – SHARE tab

After doing the search select the specific records or all the records from result view tab 

  1. Click on Share, a window will open 
  2. Check on whether to Share 1) All Results 2) Selected Records (if you have already selected All Results from result view then you won’t be able to check the Selected Record option)
  3. If you applied a filter to your result set then you can select those records for sharing. 
  4. Enter new Project Name in description 
  5. Add Recipient Email Id
  6. Give permissions to the shared user for 1) View Project or Edit Project and 1) View Comments 2) Edit Comments 3) Not See Comments 
  7. Add Note to Recipient 
  8. Click on Submit button 
  9. Click Close icon  
  10. You will see a notification 

Sharing Option-Inside the Project

Share the current project as a whole or a select set of records to a different user by adding his/her email Id.

  1. Click on Share, a window will open 
  2. Share a project or Selected records  
  3.  Add Recipient Email Id
  4. Give permissions to the shared user for 1) View Project or Edit Project and 1) View Comments 2) Edit Comments 3) Not See Comments

From Advanced sharing options, select from a list of permission to be allotted to the share user for that particular project

Click on ‘Shared Users’ list to get the list of users with whom you have shared the project. Here, from the drop down you can select if the shared user can view or edit the project. You can also select if you have shared any permission group with the user. You can also remove the shared user. 

Creating Sharing Permission Groups from the Settings 

You can create the project sharing permission groups from the settings option on the top right besides the activity stream option. 

A green and blue line

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

In this option you can select the appropriate option and create the permission group. You can also save your selection using the Save As option. 


Replicate Sharing setup of one user with a new user

Now, using the sharing and collaborations option you can directly share all existing shared projects within your team with the new member, ensuring they have immediate access to relevant information and resources. This helps save time since you no longer must share the projects one by one with a new team member.



PatSeer Premier: 10 Shared user credits ( project share limits )
PatSeer Pro/Pro X: 20 Shared user credits ( project share limits)