Query Modifiers

Query modifiers are special functions that take a search query as an input and modify the results of that query. You can use two query modifiers in one particular search query. 

The list of Query Modifiers are:

EFAMOF()This query modifier will give all the extended family members of the results of input query in the result setE.g EFAMOF(C:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display))
SFAMOF()This query modifier will give all the simple family members of the results of input query in the result setE.g SFAMOF(C:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display))
BCTOF()This query modified will give all the backward citations of the results of the input query. Only the first 1000 results of the input query will be considered.E.g BCTOF(TAC:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display))
FCTOF()This query modified will give all the forward citations of the results of the input query. Only the first 1000 results of the input query will be considered.E.g FCTOF(TAC:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display))
NLPH()This query modifier runs a Natural Language Search in High Sensitivity Mode over the inputted text. The field code specified in the query will be used as the portion to match the inputted text.E.g. NLPH(TAC:(This statement is only an example of the free text you can enter to match across the patents.))
NLPM()This query modifier runs a Natural Language Search in Medium Sensitivity Mode over the inputted text. The field code specified in the query will be used as the portion to match the inputted text.E.g. NLPM(TACD:(This statement is only an example of the free text you can enter to match across the patents.))
NLPL()This query modifier runs a Natural Language Search in Low Sensitivity Mode over the inputted text. The field code specified in the query will be used as the portion to match the inputted text.E.g. NLPL(TA:(This statement is only an example of the free text you can enter to match across the patents.))