Quick Tips |
When you apply a filter over a search result, the count of filtered set of records is shown right above the results. (Filters) |
The count shown within any particular filter is the number of records for the search string and if you combine the filter with another filter then the results can be lesser. (Filters) |
When you are working with Categories within a Project, use the icon on top to create root level categories. Further subcategories can be created by simply right-clicking on the top category (Categorization) |
You can download a particular portion of a chart that you hav e created by draging and selecting the portion and then Saving it as an image. (Charts) |
Right above the search results is a small gear icon that allows you to quickly save the current view settings as your default view. (Search Results, Projects) |
Subprojects are like sub-folders within the project where you can put a bunch of records. The records, however, are only referenced i.e., copied into the Subproject. You cannot move a record from the main project to the Subproject. (Subprojects, Projects) |
If you want to generate a quick Company Excel Report with all the charts, simply filter by the company name and then select all the records and use the Export option over the filtered record set. All the charts that you include here will be calculated and generated only over the filtered set of records. (Exporting Records) |
A generated family tree can be modified and the modified tree can be saved. The modifications include editing the text within a node, changing the locatoin of the connectors. (Family Tree) |
You can link a saved dashlet to a Subproject so that when you share the dashlet with a user s/he will only see just the records in the Subproject for that dashlet. (Dashlets, Sharing) |
The F9 Key helps you to look for the synonymous terms related to your search /key terms. Here, after entering a particular assignee / inventor name you can press the F9 key to view all the related assignee / inventor names (search) |
In Commandline search form you can use the Tab key to look for the synonyms related to your search terms while creating a search query . (search) |
While using the semantic suggester, you can combine the relevant synonymous terms using the AND, OR & NOT operators. You can single click on the terms to combine them with OR operator or double click on the terms to combine them with AND operator or triple click on the terms to combine them with NOT operator. (search -Semantic Suggester) |
When in quick search form you can view your complete query in Query Preview at the end of this form (Search) |
You can restrict your searches to the country of your choice (Search) |
In Search history you can combine two or more search queries, by combining the L ids using various operators. Here, you can also change the deduplication option used previously. (Search History) |
You can either restrict / limit your search to the Alive Records or you can also restrict it to various patent fields using the Limit By option. (Search) |
You can add or remove filters from the filter list according to your requirement. (filters) |
You can click on the Patent number to open the Detailed view which contains all the patent fields separated in various tabs. (Detailed View) |
You can download your search queries from current search / Search history in CSV and WORD formats (Search History) |
While creating a search query you can deduplicate it based on Family or Publications. If you choose to deduplicate based on family then you can also choose the representative that appears on the result page by mentioning the country in the country preference box (Dedup) |
You will find all your saved searches under the Saved Search Scripts and from here you can easily download these queries in CSV, PDF or WORD format. You can also re-run the query or set an alert or remove the query. |
You can share a project with your colleagues and also manage the permissions that either allow your colleagues to edit the project or only view the project. (Project Sharing) |
While exporting/ downloading the results you can create your own export profiles that contain the patent fields you use frequently. (Export) |
The search within records filter helps you to create a sub-search within your main search. (Filters) |
You can create multi-level graphs for your data using the layer option present in quick stats and you can download these graphs to directly add them to your PPTs or word reports. (Quick Stats) |
Comparison analysis across multiple patent fields is possible using Chart layers. |