Rating and Flagging
Rating Records
You can rate the records in a project. PatSeer has an easy 5-level/star rating system. Rating the records helps you rank the records and makes it easy for future reference and filtering. Depending on the criticality of the record you can rate the record on a scale of 1 to 5.
To Rate a record in a project
- Click the Project tab.
- Click the Project Name link to open your project.
- The Project screen will be displayed.
- To rate a record the stars are present besides the record number.
- Click on the number of stars to rate the records on a scale of 1-5 as shown in the image below

Flagging Records
You can flag the records in a project. You can flag a record for follow up in the future or give it a color to mark its importance or classify it by category. PatSeer has some predefined colors to flag a record. The default color of the flag is gray which means that the flag is not-set. When you click on the Grey color, it changes to the next color.
To flag a record in a project
- Click the Project tab.
- Click the Project Name link to open your project.
- The Project screen will be displayed.
- Click on the Color band that is on the left of the record. You can change the color of the

Note: When setting a flag on a per-record select the flag color of choice from the list.
Flagging / Rating as filters
You can also filter the record based on the color of the flag. Also, filter the records based on the number of stars that are used to rate the records.

To rate and Flag a record in a project
- Click the Project tab.
- Click the Project Name link to open your project.
- The project screen will be displayed.
- Click the check box(es) to select the record(s) you want to rate.
- Then from the Add tab you can Flag/Rate the record
- Click the number of stars to rate a particular record or a group of records. You can flag the record(s) by choosing the appropriate color.
The rating will be displayed in orange color in front of the record(s) selected.
You can either set a rating / flag on a per-record basis or bulk set it for multiple records together.

- To reset the ratings, click the reset icon next to each rating.
- Click on the stars for individual record to assign different rating for each record separately.