Real-Time / Smart search Suggester

The Quick Search form makes use of multiple Intelligent Suggesters to speed up your search query formation. Suggesters can be activated by enabling “Enable Auto-suggest/Auto-complete in Search Forms” from the Set Default Preferences option. 

By default, the Suggesters are enabled for new accounts. However if you have disabled them manually then you will have to re-enable them to make use of this capability.

1. Text Suggestions

This will suggest the most popular term / Phrase relating to the keyword or term entered (searched for). You will see this for all the English Text fields.

2. Classification Suggestions

The classification suggester works for IPC, CPC, US and FI Classes and all their related search fields. 

To search for a class by Class Number simply start entering the first couple of letters of the classification code and you will see the matching class within the Suggester. To search for a class by text, you can enter the keyword directly and it will show the matching classifications containing the text in their class descriptions. 

3. Assignee Suggestions

Assignee suggestions can be for Parent Assignee or for all other Assignees (Applicant Names). The latter matches the searched name within all the assignee or company names present in the database. This suggester is used for the ASN, CASN, CAAN, RASN and AASN fields.
The parent assignee (PASN) field suggester matches the company name you have entered with the top-level names only. In case the name you have provided matches a subsidiary name then the suggester automatically shows you the Parent Name. (See Image below)

4. Inventor Suggestions

It will show the matching inventor names as per the searched keyword