Search Class Definitions

PatSeer includes the full Classification Definitions for IPC, US Class and CPC. The Search Class Definitions tool within the Search Tools section allows you to search across text of the Class Definitions with the same powerful patent search syntax.

Search class definition tool is available on the search (Quick Search, Command Line Search and Non-Latin) form itself as icon above the fields. 

The search interface of Class Definitions Search is similar to Field Search. An explanation of each field is as follows:

  • By Class No. - You can supply a Class No. To search for a portion of a class you must use a wildcard at the end of it. For example 007*, A61K*, A01D42* or C01*. To search full class number with the backslash '/' , please include it in double quotes. For example "A01D42/06", "029/560.1", "137/270.5", "A01D2034/6806" etc.
  • By Text - Your search term can include Boolean AND/OR/NOT clauses and proximity clauses. The search syntax is same that of patent search forms. To run your search in the Full Class Description select the "Full hierarchy" option. To run your search within the same level description statement only, select the "Same level" option. For example, if your search term is (harvest* w5 convert*) and you are searching within CPC, selecting "Same Level" will match only A01D57/05 class as the words converting and harvesting come within 5 words in the same sentence/level there. But if you search it within Full Hierarchy you will see more matching classes such as A01D7/02 etc. where the words appear in different levels within the Class description although within 5 words of each other.
  • Class Type - Search across All Class Descriptions or restrict your search to a particular type of Class (IC, UC or CPC).
  • Class Portion - Restricts your search to a specific portion of the class. For example to search only within the US main class, you can select Class Type as UC and Class Portion as "Subclass/ US Main Class". Note:- If you Search within Full Class, your results will show only the matching Full Classifications. However if you search within "All" your search will show Main, Groups , Full Class separately in the results.

Now you can also create a search syntax in the Class definition search window. When the classification is searched based on class number or text, you can select the respective class and create a syntax. 

You can switch the results display to show the Class Numbers only instead of the Full Hierarchy using the option present above the results pane.