Search History
In the Search History, just like in Saved Search, each search query is given a unique ID which can be combined using AND/OR/NOT. This allows you to combine searches in more complex ways. You can comment and also tag (with one or more categories) each search query.
To add a comment or tag, click on the cell and enter the comment. Multiple tags on the same query must be separated with a comma. A filter by tag option on the top right allows you to quickly filter and view just the queries containing the tag searched. Export options allow you to also export the comments and tags with each search query. Furthermore, if you save a set of search queries to a Saved Search Script, then the comments and tags are automatically copied into the Saved Searches.
Important Note:
- If you have combined identifiers from the same search script, you would be able to view the query formed along with the script name within search history.
- Search query ID from command line cannot be combined with Script ID.
- Multiple Search script ID cannot be combined together.

View key parameters of your existing queries:
You will now be able to view key parameters of your existing queries. This helps you in refining your searched query or adding additional fields to query thereby saving time of moving out of current interface.
This can be done by clicking on View Stats icon

When you click on the icon, it will launch window showing stats for different fields with respective counts for the query. You can chose the required field from the drop-down menu and check the required classes.

Once you have selected the required field, click on Add. You will see the query being formed in Combine Search with query identifier (your existing query).