Search History - Design edition
Search History will save your first 1000 queries that you have created in your account.
Each query will be assigned a unique ID which is called as the “L’ID”. These IDs can be combined using AND/OR/NOT in more complex ways.
- Only the L’IDs can be combined to make a query. It is not possible to create combination of L’ID with Design number or image.
- You can directly click on the Image/ Design Number / Boolean query to rerun a previous search
In the Search History, each search query is given a unique ID. You can comment and tag (with one or more categories) for each search query.
To add a comment or tag, click on the cell and enter the comment. Multiple tags on the same query must be separated with a comma. A filter by tag option on the top right allows you to quickly filter and view just the queries containing the tag searched. Export options allow you to also export the comments and tags with each search query.