Search support for Capitalized words and camelCase words

Searching has been enhanced to allow you to restrict your search for words that appeared in the patent as Capitalized (E.g. abbreviations) or as CamelCase. (E.g. mRNA , iPhone ). This is possible by enclosing your search within double quotes.

For Example if you want to search for all records that have LED in capital letters since the abbreviation is also a common English word. Searching for "LED" will not give patents that have LED in capital. 

Note: searching for led or LED without double quotes remains the same as before.

Older search fetched 5 records:

New search for T:”LED” fetches no results for the same search term:

Similarly, for camel case words you can enclose them in double quotes to search the exact type. For example in the space of microRNA, a capitalized "miR-" refers to the mature form of the miRNA, while the un capitalized "mir-" refers to the pre-miRNA and the pri-miRNA, and "MIR" refers to the gene that encodes them.

So searching for:

"miR" – Matches miR only

"MIR" – matches MIR only

mir (without double quotes) – matches mir, miR, MIR

miR (without double quotes) – matches mir, miR, MIR

MIR (without double quotes) – matches mir, miR, MIR

NOTE: The support for searching for capitalized and CamelCase words is currently for English language content only. This will be added to other Latin languages in a future release.