Sharing search results

Its now possible to share search directly with other users. You can choose to share all the search results or only a set of selected records (selection is done by checking the records) with another user.

When you share search results, PatSeer automatically saves all the results to a project and shares it with the user. So from the share window itself you can provide a project name and that will be used to save and share the selected record. To use this feature, once you are done with your search you need to select the specific records or may be all the records and click on the . If you are accessing the option from the results view then you can select all the records or you can check a set of selected records to a project from that window  itself(by typing a new project name under “New Project Name” tab). You can type a project name and  add recipients email id(by adding the email id in the “Recipient Email Id” tab) also. You can also give permissions to the shared user for the options present.