Inbuilt stemming within PatSeer database
PatSeer applies a minimalistic plural only stemmer by default. For all other cases, you must use wildcards at end of the word. This is done to avoid false positives that are caused by regular stemmers.
For example, a regular stemmer may change amoled to 'amol'.
The plural only stemmer works for s-type and ies-type of stemming again for the same reason. To understand how the plural stemmer works please see section on "Plural Matching".
Applying stemming within the Search Form
To stem a word simply add # at the end of the word and the word will get automatically replaced with its stem. The purpose of such real-time stemming integration is to make the search transparent so that you are sure what is being searched and what isn’t.
encoding# will get replaced by encod*
formulation# will get replaced by formul*
Language specific stemming rules are applied, and stemming is support when searching in 6 languages - English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Swedish. The stemming operator is the same and the system detects the language based on the field name the search is applied to. So, if you are searching in TA (English Title and Abstract) then the system will apply the English Stemmer and if you are searching in TADE (German Title and Abstract) then the system will apply the German Stemmer.