Summary Reports
Summary Reports allow you to generate a quick report that has multiple viewpoints of the IP data summarized in a single view. These compressed views are great for sharing across the organization.
You can generate summary reports for different patent fields. Preparing either of the report requires you to follow a simple click-through process of selecting the items you want to include in the report.
Here is the sample of the steps necessary to generate one such report – Assignee Summary Report.
- Click on Summary Report Option to launch Summary Report dialogue box
- Under “Generate Report For” select the report name from the drop down menu which you want to be displayed
- Select other fields to be included in the report by selecting those from respective group headers (Patent Fields/Project Fields/Custom Fields/Categories) and click on icon to move these fields to the right pane
- Click on Generate to generate the Summary Report. The generated report is displayed with the name given in 1st step.
- Click on Download as PNG option to save the report

Viewing record details for the main field
Respective field name is linked to their respective records.

Clicking on the field name opens a window in the right pane which will show the first 5 records.

If you want to view all the records click on View All. It will open in a pane on the right side within the window where you can quickly go through the records. You can also go through the details of that particular company.

Summary report can be generated and saved within the project. You can save a particular report by clicking on the dashboard icon and save the report along with your other saved charts. Once saved, your saved reports are visible to all the shared users.

You can save the summary report to the dashboard and can also download it as a report in csv/excel formats and save it.