Text Fields (English)

TitleThe title of the Application / Patent document
AbstractAn abstract is a brief summary of an invention, and should include all the most important technical features of the same. It is useful to both the Intellectual Property Office and to the public searching in the particular technical field of the application.
Full ClaimsThe Claims disclose the technical features of the patent document for which protection is sought.
DescriptionThe Description displays the information that discloses the invention of the patent document, specifies the technical field to which the invention relates and indicates prior art that the applicant is aware of.
Number of claimsNumber of claims present in the patent document.
No. of Independent ClaimsNumber of claims in which the invention is actually claimed. The no. of claims that portray the various aspects of the invention that can be treated as novel for that particular invention.
Independent ClaimsAn independent claim is a standalone claim that contains all the aspects of the invention. 
First ClaimThe first claim is usually an independent claim that sets the tone for the protection claimed by the invention.
Advantages of InventionThis part mainly describes how useful or advantageous is the invention. 
Summary of Invention The summary of the invention emphasizes on the nature and purpose of the invention. It aids in providing immense facilitation in understanding the invention and how it can benefit the era in future.
Description of DrawingsDescription of drawings illustrate the invention, some of its embodiments (which are particular implementations or methods of carrying out the invention), or the prior art.