Types of Assignee fields in PatSeer and their description

In PatSeer you can make use of various assignee fields to create your search based on your requirements.  

Below is the list of all the available Assignee fields and what these fields stand for:  

  1. ASN (Original/Normalized Assignee) – This field stores the Applicant name and so only the Assignee name that was provided at the time of filing or grant (mainly the assignee name present in the PDF of patent document) can be searched using this field.  
  2. CASN (Current Assignee) – This field stores only the latest Assignee as per reassignment information available for the record. The information for this is taken from the legal status information and assignment details. 
  3. PASN (Current Owner) – This field stores the parent company name of the current assignee-CASN. The information is checked in the CASN field and if a corporate owner is available for the same then the PASN field gets added for those patent records. However, if there is no corporate owner for the said CASN then the same assignee name is added to PASN field too. PatSeer provides corporate trees for top 15000 companies. 
  4. RASN (Reassignment Assignees) - This field captures all the Assignee names present in the reassignment history of the record. This information is present for only US patent records. 
  5. AASN (All Assignees) – To search across all the above, and also across all the company/bank names that have been mentioned in the reassignment history of the record, use this field.

NOTE: For those records that do not have an applicant name, PatSeer finds the probable assignee by looking up family equivalents and stores it.