User Preferences
Now you can set default preferences at the search level itself. To define your own set of parameters, you can click on Gear icon present on top right corner of PatSeer home page.
This option allows you to define your preferences, such as in the Auto Suggestion / Autocomplete in Search Options, setting preferences related to Home Screen and Search Results in Display Options, Filters and Thesaurus in Add Thesaurus or Filter and Manage Permission groups for Sharing Project.

Also, you can choose the result view, sorting order and number of records per page from Display Options.
If you mistakenly use operators from other databases, then an incorrect operator identifier routine will help you include the valid operator in your search query. If you are using search syntax from other databases, PatSeer matches the operator with appropriate syntax and provides you correct operator to be used. The mismatched operator is highlighted in orange and you can include the correct operator while searching by clicking on ‘Correct’. ‘Find next’ will take you to the next mismatched operator. This option can be accessed by enabling Incorrect Operator Detection. This option is present in Command Line Search, Edit Search and Combine Search.
You can now select a preferred language in the Default Preferences Option. This language will be preferred over English and if any patent has content (Title/Abstract, etc.) in the chosen preferred language then that will be displayed instead of English. So for example if you set a preferred language as German, you will see German Title and Abstracts in your search results for DE/DD records. (And also for any other country that publishes its patents in German).
The results view would then display details in the selected language. If the selected language is not present then English would be displayed. This language preference is applicable for detailed view (Full-text of the record) also.