View Full Text Of Records Within Search Results
If you are working on smaller monitor or devices, it’s now easy to view full details of a record in side-by-side view. Clicking on the record number (patent number) on the search results page will open a new windowpane on the right side, where you can view different text portions of any record in the result set.

Also, once you open the split view under the Full view tab you will see all the images present in the record that you are going through.

Once you have the right pane open, then clicking on any new record number within the search result list opens that record in this frame. Further, the filter section is automatically collapsed when you open this pane.
Hide biblio section in full-text view
It is now easy and simple to view only title, claims and description of the record rather than viewing whole biblio portion in full-text view. This also helps you see a larger portion of claims and description in a single view. By default, when you open the split screen, you will see Biblio, Full View, Claims, PDF, and Drawings of the record. Under the Full View tab, you can also see the biblio details of that record.

You can view only the claims and description of the records by going to those tabs.