View Records in Order Of Occurrence

Now you can view the records within a Project in the same order as they are entered. Users can create a project and then import records using the ' Import' option that is present inside a Project. Within 'Import' there are two options: Copy / Paste Number and Upload from File. 

Copy / Paste Number  - You can use this option if you have a set of patent records numbers which you want to add to the Project.

Upload from File - The field import option allows you to import patent numbers (along with any custom data) from files. If you want to import record numbers from Excel (.xlsx) file (record numbers should be in a single column (first column only)). Then you can supply these files using this option.

Clicking on lookup will match the entered numbers or numbers present in the file with the internal repository and import all the data for the matching records into your Project. Once you are able to view the results, you can select sorting option as relevance descending to view the numbers in the same order as they were entered.