Viewing Record Citations

Viewing citations from detail view - The Citations Tab in the Detailed View shows you the Backward and Forward Citations for each record. There are additional tabs that also show you non-patent citations, generate citation trees and lookup backward and forward co-citations.

Citations can be seen per record or per family. An option above the citations tabs "show Citations of" allows you to switch between viewing citations of a single record, or of all its simple/extended family members.

To view the citations

  1. On the Search Results screen, click the Patent number or click window icon present next to the .
  2. A single record will be displayed in a new web page.
  3. Click the Citation tab.

Under the Citations tabs, you will see 6 sub-tabs. You can click on any of the tabs. Details of each are shown in the table below. 

Citation Tabs Description 

Backward Citation


Displays all the patent citations which the selected record has referred to.

Forward Citation


Displays all records that are referring the selected record.
Citation Tree

Generates a Forward/Backward citation map with each citation located as per publication year.

Search: You can search record number or assignee or inventor within the displayed citations.
Type the keyword and click Enter.

Display: Displays the selected text in the node.
Select one of the options Patent Number, Assignee or Inventor from the drop-down list.
Highlight Phase: Displays the phase color to the citations.
There are 2 phases: Examiner (Red) and Inventor (Green).
Click to select the Highlight check box.
Assignee Filter: Displays all the assignees of the citation. You can filter the citations based on assignees.
Click Assignee Filter tab. Click to select the assignee(s) and click Apply filter.
Save Image: Allows you to save the citations tree with any modifications done in .png format.
Click Save Image tab. Browse to the location to save image and click Save.
Regenerate: Allows you to regenerate or reload the citation tree.
Other ReferenceDisplays Non patent backward citations which the selected record has referred to.
Backward Co-CitesDisplays the list of all the records which have common backward citations with the selected record. The results are ranked by number of common backward citations with the selected record.
Forward Co-CitesDisplays the list of all the records which have common forward citations with the selected record. The results are ranked by number of common forward citations with the selected record.